Usage docs Reference Examples


import {
  takeEvery, put
} from 'redux-saga/effects';
import Web3Utils from 'web3-utils';
import uuid4 from 'uuid/v4';
import * as contractsAT from './AT';
import * as callsAT from '../tracking/calls/AT';
import * as transactionsAT from '../tracking/transactions/AT';
import EncodeABIError from '../errors/EncodeABIError';

function* addContract(web3, defaultNetworkId, getContractsState, {contractName, abi, networks}) {
  // Keep contract creation extremely simple:
  //  we only use this instance to create the ABI encoded data with,
  //  transactions/calls/events will be handled by the other parts of ReDApp.
  // This generalizes the flow, and makes it easy to re-instantiate
  //  this store redux entry from persisted data.
  const web3Contract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi);

  const methods = {};

  // Create methods for each abi entry,
  //  each returning a thunk to dispatch and execute the method with.
  for (const entry of abi) {
    if (entry.type === 'function') {
      // Add ABI data to each method
      const method = {...entry};
      const encodeABI = (args) => {
        try {
          return web3Contract.methods[](...args).encodeABI();
        } catch (err) {
          throw new EncodeABIError(`Failed to encode arguments: ${args}`);

      // Constant methods don't change any state; hence, only add call functionality.
      if (entry.constant) {
        const caller = callType => (({blockNr, to, networkId}, ...args) => {
          const callData = encodeABI(args);
          // Hash it, a new call with the same exact input will hit the cache.
          // Also add the block-number, this also influences the computation.
          const callID = `${to || '*'}-${Web3Utils.soliditySha3(callData)}-${blockNr || 'latest'}`;

          // Return the callID together with the thunk,
          //  this thunk can be dispatched, and the thunk-middleware will pick it up.
          // The callID can be used to get the result.
          return {
            thunk: (dispatch, getState) => {
              const contractAddress = to || (getContractsState(getState())[contractName]
                .networks[networkId || defaultNetworkId].address);
                type: callType, data: callData, blockNr, callID, to: contractAddress,
                outputsABI: entry.outputs
        method.cacheCall = caller(callsAT.CACHE_CALL);
        method.forceCall = caller(callsAT.FORCE_CALL);
      } else {
        // Method is not constant, so it not for calling but for transacting.
        method.trackedSend = ({from, value, gas, gasPrice, nonce, to, networkId}, ...args) => {
          const txData = encodeABI(args);
          // Simply use an UUID, transactions are not cached like calls, uniqueness is good.
          const txID = uuid4();

          // Return the txID together with the thunk,
          //  this thunk can be dispatched, and the thunk-middleware will pick it up.
          // The txID can be used to receive status updates from the tracker.
          return {
            thunk: (dispatch, getState) => {
              const contractAddress = to || (getContractsState(getState())[contractName]
                .networks[networkId || defaultNetworkId].address);
                type: transactionsAT.SEND_TX, txID, data: txData,
                from, to: contractAddress, value, gas, gasPrice, nonce
      methods[] = method;

  // TODO: add events as well?

  yield put({type: contractsAT.CONTRACT_ADDED, contractName, methods, networks});

 * Handles ReDApp contract background processing, e.g. loading new contracts.
 * @param web3 The web3js 1.0 instance to use.
 * @param defaultNetworkId The default network ID to use when looking up a contract address.
 * @param {ReduxStateSelector} getContractsState Gets contracts state
 * @return {ReduxSaga} Contracts saga.
function* contractsSaga(web3, defaultNetworkId, getContractsState) {
  yield takeEvery(contractsAT.ADD_CONTRACT, addContract, web3, defaultNetworkId, getContractsState);

export default contractsSaga;