Usage docs Reference Examples


import * as accountsAT from '../AT';

 * Get data for an individual account.
 * @param address The address to get the data for.
 * @returns {ReduxThunk} Redux thunk, dispatch to run action.
export const getSingleAccount = address => (dispatch => dispatch({
  type: accountsAT.ACCOUNT_GET,
  account: address,

 * To start updating the balance of an account
 * @param address
 * @returns {ReduxThunk} Redux thunk, dispatch to run action.
export const getBalance = address => (dispatch => dispatch({
  type: accountsAT.ACCOUNT_GET_BALANCE,
  account: address,

 * Get data (like the balance) for each account in the tracker
 * @returns {ReduxThunk} Redux thunk, dispatch to run action.
export const getAllAccounts = () => (dispatch => dispatch({
  type: accountsAT.ACCOUNTS_GET_ALL,

 * Update the list of wallet accounts.
 * @returns {ReduxThunk} Redux thunk, dispatch to run action.
export const fetchAllAcounts = () => (dispatch => dispatch({
  type: accountsAT.ACCOUNTS_START_FETCH,

 * Start polling for accounts.
 * @param interval The polling interval in milliseconds.
 * @returns {ReduxThunk} Redux thunk, dispatch to run action.
export const startAccountPolling = interval => (dispatch => dispatch({

 * Stop polling for accounts.
 * @returns {ReduxThunk} Redux thunk, dispatch to run action.
export const stopAccountPolling = () => (dispatch => dispatch({

 * Add an account to track locally. (i.e. no interaction with the user)
 * @param address The address of the account to start tracking.
 * @returns {ReduxThunk} Redux thunk, dispatch to run action.
export const addLocalAcount = address => (dispatch => dispatch({
  type: accountsAT.ADD_LOCAL_ACCOUNT,
  account: address

 * Forget local account.
 * @param address The address of the account to forget.
 * @returns {ReduxThunk} Redux thunk, dispatch to run action.
export const forgetLocalAccount = address => (dispatch => dispatch({
  type: accountsAT.FORGET_LOCAL_ACCOUNT,
  account: address