Usage docs Reference Examples


Static Public Summary

Get data (like the balance) for each account in the tracker.


Whenever accounts polling failed, fired with "err" property containing the error.


Start polling accounts (runs a ACCOUNTS_START_FETCH, followed by a ACCOUNTS_GET_ALL).


Stop polling accounts (Polling can be resumed with ACCOUNTS_START_POLLING again).


When an account gets a new updated balance.


Get data for an individual account.


To start updating the balance of an account.


When balance updating fails.


Load a contract (binding it to an web3js Contract instance), and add it to the redux store.


Add an account to track locally.


When an error occurs during listening for blocks.


When an error occurs during polling for blocks.


Starts listening, for websocket based Web3 providers.


Start polling, for simple non-websocket based Web3 providers such as Metamask.


Stops listening, for websocket based Web3 providers.


Stop polling, for simple non-websocket based Web3 providers such as Metamask


Trigger that is used to tunnel the subscription event to a block check.


When block data from "BLOCK_RECEIVED" could not be processed.


When block data from "BLOCK_RECEIVED" was processed successfully.


When raw block data was received.


When retrieving a block fails.


Call, but try to hit local redux cache first.


When a call failed to be decoded but was otherwise successful.


When a call is decoded, after CALL_RETURNED.


When the call failed, (e.g.


When a call promise is completed by web3, adds the raw result to the cache.


Wipe the cache.


When the contract is loaded, the reducer adds it to the store now.


Call, ignoring the cache.


Remove a single call from the cache.


Remove a contract from redux store.


Forget local account.


Remove TX from the tracker.


Force get a specific block (passed with 'blockHandle').


Force get latest block.


Send a transaction, to be tracked.


When sending errors, i.e.


When a tx has been broadcast.


Has a "receipt" if it was a mining failure (e.g.


When web3 explicitly provided us with 12 chained confirmations.


When a receipt was received, may be multiple times in case of chain re-organization.


After starting sending a transaction to the web3provider successfully, it's not broadcast yet!


Root reducer of redapp.


Tracking reducer of redapp.

Static Public

public ACCOUNTS_GET_ALL: ReduxActionType source

import {ACCOUNTS_GET_ALL} from 'redapp/es/tracking/accounts/AT/index.js'

Get data (like the balance) for each account in the tracker.

public ACCOUNTS_POLL_ERROR: ReduxActionType source

import {ACCOUNTS_POLL_ERROR} from 'redapp/es/tracking/accounts/AT/index.js'

Whenever accounts polling failed, fired with "err" property containing the error.

public ACCOUNTS_START_POLLING: ReduxActionType source

import {ACCOUNTS_START_POLLING} from 'redapp/es/tracking/accounts/AT/index.js'

Start polling accounts (runs a ACCOUNTS_START_FETCH, followed by a ACCOUNTS_GET_ALL).

public ACCOUNTS_STOP_POLLING: ReduxActionType source

import {ACCOUNTS_STOP_POLLING} from 'redapp/es/tracking/accounts/AT/index.js'

Stop polling accounts (Polling can be resumed with ACCOUNTS_START_POLLING again).

public ACCOUNT_BALANCE: ReduxActionType source

import {ACCOUNT_BALANCE} from 'redapp/es/tracking/accounts/AT/index.js'

When an account gets a new updated balance.

public ACCOUNT_GET: ReduxActionType source

import {ACCOUNT_GET} from 'redapp/es/tracking/accounts/AT/index.js'

Get data for an individual account.

public ACCOUNT_GET_BALANCE: ReduxActionType source

import {ACCOUNT_GET_BALANCE} from 'redapp/es/tracking/accounts/AT/index.js'

To start updating the balance of an account.

public ACCOUNT_GET_BALANCE_FAILED: ReduxActionType source

import {ACCOUNT_GET_BALANCE_FAILED} from 'redapp/es/tracking/accounts/AT/index.js'

When balance updating fails.

public ADD_CONTRACT: ReduxActionType source

import {ADD_CONTRACT} from 'redapp/es/contracts/AT/index.js'

Load a contract (binding it to an web3js Contract instance), and add it to the redux store. The methods of the contract are also added to the store, which can be called with their ABI arguments. This produces a thunk and an ID, the thunk can then be dispatched to execute the method, and the ID can be used to track the progress.

public ADD_LOCAL_ACCOUNT: ReduxActionType source

import {ADD_LOCAL_ACCOUNT} from 'redapp/es/tracking/accounts/AT/index.js'

Add an account to track locally. (i.e. no interaction with the user)

public BLOCKS_LISTEN_ERROR: ReduxActionType source

import {BLOCKS_LISTEN_ERROR} from 'redapp/es/tracking/blocks/AT/index.js'

When an error occurs during listening for blocks.

public BLOCKS_POLL_ERROR: ReduxActionType source

import {BLOCKS_POLL_ERROR} from 'redapp/es/tracking/blocks/AT/index.js'

When an error occurs during polling for blocks.

public BLOCKS_START_LISTENING: ReduxActionType source

import {BLOCKS_START_LISTENING} from 'redapp/es/tracking/blocks/AT/index.js'

Starts listening, for websocket based Web3 providers.

public BLOCKS_START_POLLING: ReduxActionType source

import {BLOCKS_START_POLLING} from 'redapp/es/tracking/blocks/AT/index.js'

Start polling, for simple non-websocket based Web3 providers such as Metamask.

public BLOCKS_STOP_LISTENING: ReduxActionType source

import {BLOCKS_STOP_LISTENING} from 'redapp/es/tracking/blocks/AT/index.js'

Stops listening, for websocket based Web3 providers.

public BLOCKS_STOP_POLLING: ReduxActionType source

import {BLOCKS_STOP_POLLING} from 'redapp/es/tracking/blocks/AT/index.js'

Stop polling, for simple non-websocket based Web3 providers such as Metamask

public BLOCKS_SUB_NEW_BLOCK_CHECK: ReduxActionType source

import {BLOCKS_SUB_NEW_BLOCK_CHECK} from 'redapp/es/tracking/blocks/AT/index.js'

Trigger that is used to tunnel the subscription event to a block check.

public BLOCK_FAILED: ReduxActionType source

import {BLOCK_FAILED} from 'redapp/es/tracking/blocks/AT/index.js'

When block data from "BLOCK_RECEIVED" could not be processed.

public BLOCK_PROCESSED: ReduxActionType source

import {BLOCK_PROCESSED} from 'redapp/es/tracking/blocks/AT/index.js'

When block data from "BLOCK_RECEIVED" was processed successfully.

public BLOCK_RECEIVED: ReduxActionType source

import {BLOCK_RECEIVED} from 'redapp/es/tracking/blocks/AT/index.js'

When raw block data was received.

public BLOCK_RETRIEVAL_ERROR: ReduxActionType source

import {BLOCK_RETRIEVAL_ERROR} from 'redapp/es/tracking/blocks/AT/index.js'

When retrieving a block fails.

public CACHE_CALL: ReduxActionType source

import {CACHE_CALL} from 'redapp/es/tracking/calls/AT/index.js'

Call, but try to hit local redux cache first. If not in cache, a FORCE_CALL will be fired.

public CALL_DECODE_FAIL: ReduxActionType source

import {CALL_DECODE_FAIL} from 'redapp/es/tracking/calls/AT/index.js'

When a call failed to be decoded but was otherwise successful.

public CALL_DECODE_SUCCESS: ReduxActionType source

import {CALL_DECODE_SUCCESS} from 'redapp/es/tracking/calls/AT/index.js'

When a call is decoded, after CALL_RETURNED.

public CALL_FAILED: ReduxActionType source

import {CALL_FAILED} from 'redapp/es/tracking/calls/AT/index.js'

When the call failed, (e.g. invalid block number).

public CALL_RETURNED: ReduxActionType source

import {CALL_RETURNED} from 'redapp/es/tracking/calls/AT/index.js'

When a call promise is completed by web3, adds the raw result to the cache.

public CLEAR_CACHE: ReduxActionType source

import {CLEAR_CACHE} from 'redapp/es/tracking/calls/AT/index.js'

Wipe the cache.

public CONTRACT_ADDED: ReduxActionType source

import {CONTRACT_ADDED} from 'redapp/es/contracts/AT/index.js'

When the contract is loaded, the reducer adds it to the store now.

public FORCE_CALL: ReduxActionType source

import {FORCE_CALL} from 'redapp/es/tracking/calls/AT/index.js'

Call, ignoring the cache.

public FORGET_CALL: ReduxActionType source

import {FORGET_CALL} from 'redapp/es/tracking/calls/AT/index.js'

Remove a single call from the cache.

public FORGET_CONTRACT: ReduxActionType source

import {FORGET_CONTRACT} from 'redapp/es/contracts/AT/index.js'

Remove a contract from redux store.

public FORGET_LOCAL_ACCOUNT: ReduxActionType source

import {FORGET_LOCAL_ACCOUNT} from 'redapp/es/tracking/accounts/AT/index.js'

Forget local account.

public FORGET_TX: ReduxActionType source

Remove TX from the tracker.

public GET_BLOCK: ReduxActionType source

import {GET_BLOCK} from 'redapp/es/tracking/blocks/AT/index.js'

Force get a specific block (passed with 'blockHandle'). May be removed if it is not within the allowed the block-depth.

public GET_LATEST_BLOCK: ReduxActionType source

import {GET_LATEST_BLOCK} from 'redapp/es/tracking/blocks/AT/index.js'

Force get latest block.

public SEND_TX: ReduxActionType source

Send a transaction, to be tracked.

public SEND_TX_FAILED: ReduxActionType source

import {SEND_TX_FAILED} from 'redapp/es/tracking/transactions/AT/index.js'

When sending errors, i.e. the web3provider fails before even broadcasting the transaction.

public TX_BROADCAST: ReduxActionType source

import {TX_BROADCAST} from 'redapp/es/tracking/transactions/AT/index.js'

When a tx has been broadcast.

public TX_FAILED: ReduxActionType source

Has a "receipt" if it was a mining failure (e.g. out of gas).

public TX_FINAL: ReduxActionType source

When web3 explicitly provided us with 12 chained confirmations.

public TX_RECEIPT: ReduxActionType source

When a receipt was received, may be multiple times in case of chain re-organization.

public TX_SENT: ReduxActionType source

After starting sending a transaction to the web3provider successfully, it's not broadcast yet!

public reducer: ReduxReducer source

import reducer from 'redapp/es/reducer.js'

Root reducer of redapp.

public trackingRed: ReduxReducer source

import trackingRed from 'redapp/es/tracking/trackingRed.js'

Tracking reducer of redapp.