Redux Store Structure
: keep tracking separated, it's non-actionable, just watch something or don't.accounts
: keep accounts together with their state, like balance.local
: Accounts that are locally tracked, i.e. by the application.wallet
: Accounts that are tracked, but belong to the wallet of the user.
: a mapping, with block hash as key. Only the last X (configurable) blocks are kept in memory, older ones are removed.transactions
: a mapping, with a UUID (v4) as key. Because TX-hashes are not available before processing by the web3provider.calls
: a mapping, with a hash (see docs) as key (Fallback to UUID). Acts as a cache; it can be cleared, and cache-calls can be made (i.e. try to hit cache before resorting to make a new web3 call).
: actionable, more complex, not necessarily tracked, hence separated from the tracking. Contract methods delegate web3 work to the tracking system, only ABI-encoding is done by the contract.
TODO: document store structure with properties and example objects in state.